Monday, October 5, 2009

Fear Mongering on Election Eve

It has come to my attention that an email containing falsehoods is circulating this evening. Written by Diana Bader and Roxie Cash, the email claims that if the 4 candidates supported by WSCA get elected, it will mean the disappearance of magnet schools. This is FALSE. None of our candidates have ever said that they would get rid of magnet schools. This rumor has appeared before and when asked directly if he would get rid of magnet schools in low income areas, Chris Malone responded "No. Why would we get rid of a successful program?" Other candidates have expressed interest in expanding magnet opportunities and ending the magnet acceptance policy that discriminates against low income children and any child assigned to a school over 40% F&R.

Supporters of the status-quo are willing to say anything they have to to maintain control of our school system. WSCA and the candidates we support, John Tedesco, Chris Malone, Debra Goldman and Deborah Prickett do not advocate for the removal of magnets nor do we advocate throwing everything out and starting from scratch. These candidates will do what current and former Board of Education members have been unwilling to do: honestly assess what is working and what is not working in WCPSS and make recommendations for improvement.

I urge you all to see through the lies and half-truths being spread and vote for positive change tomorrow!


Mom de Guerre said...

No one is as extreme as those desperate to paint this as a polarized issue. Those of us committed to change see the complexity and nuances of a multilayered system. The solution must be the same. Fear mongering is for cowards. We all must stand strong for our children and do the simple thing - stand by solutions that put education first. The magnet program is just such a solution.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,

Good comments. Here is a real life example of the magnet discrimination to prove your point. We moved to a more affluent area of Wake County. If we had our 1st grader in WCPSS he not only would be going to a much more "healthy" school according to WCPSS, and the EOG passing percentages are much higher, his chances at magnet acceptance more than doubled. He is the same kid with the same educational needs, but the opportunities he would be offered under WCPSS improved greatly because we moved 30 minutes away from our old house. We even stayed in the same school board district and the disparity is there.


dom said...

Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your point of view. I clarified the family meetings today on my blog.
The SE Raleigh kids that moved to Laurel Park were my "babies." I think about them all the time, and when I found out they were moving, I was heartbroken. Those kids were shuffled all around Raleigh, and it was awful. I agree that the system in place isn't perfect. It's frustrating for sure. But I'm extremely concerned about the implications now.

Anonymous said...
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